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The Limitless Chess Team:

GM Varuzhan Akobian

GM Mesgen Amanov

GM Josh Friedel

GM Gabor Papp

GM Alejandro Ramirez

IM Eric Rosen

GM Gergely Antal

GM Vladimir Akopian
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Courses by GM Varuzhan Akobian:

Lesson 1 - Good Knight vs Bad Bishop
Lesson 2 - An Overly Aggressive High Ranked Opponent
Lesson 3 - Energetic Play for Initiative
Lesson 4 - Missing the Win Against #2 in the World
Lesson 5 - Never Give Up!

Lesson 1 - Most Important Endgame Positions
Lesson 2 - How to Checkmate with Bishop and Knight + Pawn Endgame Position
Lesson 3 - How to Win Slightly Better Endgames vs Strong Grandmasters
Lesson 4 - Practical Endgame Technique
Lesson 5 - How to Win in a Rook Endgame
Lesson 6 - When to Sacrifice the Extra Pawn to Enter a Winning King and Pawn Endgame

Lesson 1 - Dominant Bishop
Lesson 2 - Space Advantage
Lesson 3 - Powerful Knight
Lesson 4 - Development and Initiative
Lesson 5 - Two Weaknesses
Lesson 6 - Positional Exchange Sacrifice

Lesson 1 - Slav Defense
Lesson 2 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Lesson 3 - Queen's Gambit Accepted
Lesson 4 - Dutch Defense
Lesson 5 - King's Indian Defense
Lesson 6 - Grunfeld Defense
Courses by GM Mesgen Amanov:

Lesson 1 - Finding Best Moves
Lesson 2 - Practical Endgames
Lesson 3 - Precise Calculation and Corresponding Squares
Lesson 4 - Two Favorite Endgames
Lesson 5 - Bishop Pawn Endgames - Studies
Lesson 6 - Solving Studies Together

Lesson 1 - Rook + Pawn vs Rook - Side Pawn on 7th and 6th and Philidor Positions
Lesson 2 - Rook + Pawn vs Rook - Lucena and Pawn Has Not Crossed the Mid Line
Lesson 3 - Rook + Pawn vs Rook - Summarizing 1st, 2nd Lessons and Exceptions
Lesson 4 - Rook + 4 Pawns vs Rook + 3 Pawns on One Side - Practical Endgame
Lesson 5 - Rook + 4 Pawns vs Rook + 3 Pawns on One and Two Sides - Advanced
Lesson 6 - Rook + 4 Pawns vs Rook + 3 Pawns on Two Sides - Advanced - Part 2

Lesson 1 - Deep Calculation
Lesson 2 - Phenomenal Endgame Technique
Lesson 3 - Calculating Forcing Moves
Lesson 4 - You Are Not the Only Genius!
Lesson 5 - Genius Moments

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Italian Opening
Lesson 3 - Two Knights Defense - Fried Liver Attack
Lesson 4 - Hungarian Defense and Philidor Defense
Lesson 5 - Ruy Lopez (Spanish Opening)
Lesson 6 - Ruy Lopez - Marshall Attack
Lesson 7 - Petroff Defense

Lesson 1 - French Defense - Tarrasch Variation - Main Line
Lesson 2 - French Defense - Tarrasch Variation - Sidelines
Lesson 3 - Caro-Kann Defense - Two Knights Variation Main Line with 3...Bg4 and Sidelines
Lesson 4 - Caro-Kann Defense - Two Knights Variation Main Line with 3...Nf6 and Sidelines
Lesson 5 - Scandinavian Defense - Main Line and Sidelines

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Sicilian Defense - Dragon Variation
Lesson 3 - Sicilian Defense - Sveshnikov Variation
Lesson 4 - Sicilian Defense - Najdorf Variation with 6...e6
Lesson 5 - Sicilian Defense - Najdorf Variation with 6...e5
Lesson 6 - Sicilian Defense - Accelerated Dragon

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Pirc Defense
Lesson 3 - Alekhine Defense
Lesson 4 - Sicilian Defense - Kan Variation
Lesson 5 - Sicilian Defense - Classical Variation
Lesson 6 - Sicilian Defense - Taimanov Variation

Lesson 1 - Lesson 1
Lesson 2 - Lesson 2
Lesson 3 - Lesson 3
Lesson 4 - Lesson 4
Lesson 5 - Lesson 5
Courses by GM Josh Friedel:

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Bad Technique
Lesson 3 - Technical Endgames
Lesson 4 - Complex Endgames
Lesson 5 - Complex Middlegames
Lesson 6 - Technical Masters
Lesson 7 - The Technical Test

Lesson 1 - Large Mistakes - Overview
Lesson 2 - Proper Evaluation
Lesson 3 - Awareness and Danger Sense
Lesson 4 - Avoiding Weaknesses
Lesson 5 - Playing Under the Gun
Lesson 6 - Late Game Mistakes
Lesson 7 - Practice

Lesson 1 - e4-d5 vs e5-d6-c5 (Chigorin with early d5)
Lesson 2 - e4-d5 vs e5-d6-c5 (Breyer with c5-c4)
Lesson 3 - e4-d5 vs e5-d6-c7 (c3-d4 without h3, Bogoljubov)
Lesson 4 - e4-d5 vs e5-d6-c7 (Breyer with b3-d5-c4)
Lesson 5 - e4-d4 vs d6-c5 (Benoni-esque Structure from exd4-cxd4-c5)

Lesson 1 - e4-d4 vs d6-c7 (d3 Berlin with early d4 push)
Lesson 2 - e4 vs d6, exd4 with piece capture (Steinitz Deferred with early d4)
Lesson 3 - e4 vs doubled c-pawns (Exchange Variation)
Lesson 4 - d3-e4 vs e5, doubled c-pawns (Delayed Exchange Variation)
Lesson 5 - e5 vs Kd8, doubled c-pawns (Berlin Endgame)

Lesson 1 - Counter the King's Gambit - Development Based Approach
Lesson 2 - Center Game and Danish Gambit - Target the Center
Lesson 3 - Ponziani Opening - Sac a Pawn for Initiative With 3…d5
Lesson 4 - Vienna Game - Keep It Simple With 2…Nc6
Lesson 5 - Two Knights - Take on d4 and Play Nf6

Lesson 1 - Four Knights With 4.Bb5 - Fight For Immediate Counterplay With 4...Nd4
Lesson 2 - Four Knights With 4.d4 - Solid and Active With 4...exd4 and 5...Bb4
Lesson 3 - Scotch - Head For Complexity With 4...Nf6
Lesson 4 - Fried Liver - Go For Proven Compensation With Na5 Lines
Lesson 5 - Italian Game - The Modern and Combative 4...h6

Lesson 1 - Introduction Games vs Capablanca and Alekhine
Lesson 2 - Sacrificial Battles vs Euwe
Lesson 3 - Complex Middlegames vs Botvinnik
Lesson 4 - Dynamic Lopez Duel vs Smyslov
Lesson 5 - Fighting For Initiative vs Tal
Lesson 6 - Strategic Masterpiece vs Petrosian
Lesson 7 - Sharp Attacking Chess vs Spassky
Lesson 8 - Endgame Grind vs Fischer

Lesson 1 - Opening Fundamentals - Part 1
Lesson 2 - Opening Fundamentals - Part 2
Lesson 3 - Calculation Fundamentals
Lesson 4 - Positional Fundamentals
Lesson 5 - Endgame Fundamentals - Part 1
Lesson 6 - Endgame Fundamentals - Part 2

Lesson 1 - Early h4-h5 Systems
Lesson 2 - Four Pawns Attack
Lesson 3 - Saemisch
Lesson 4 - Early Bg5 Systems
Lesson 5 - 2.Nf3 and 3.Nbd2, 3.Nc3
Lesson 6 - London and Torre Attack
Lesson 7 - Bd3-Nge2 and Early Nge2 Setups
Lesson 8 - Fianchetto

Lesson 1 - Exchange Variation
Lesson 2 - Petrosian Variation (7.d5)
Lesson 3 - Early Be3 Systems
Lesson 4 - Makogonov Variation (6.h3)

Lesson 1 - Main Line Bayonet Attack (9.b4)
Lesson 2 - Main Line (9.Nd2)
Lesson 3 - Main Line (9.Ne1 and 10.Be3)
Lesson 4 - Main Line (9.Ne1 without Be3)

Lesson 1 - Karpov vs Unzicker (Nice 1974)
Lesson 2 - Karpov vs Andersson (Stockholm 1969)
Lesson 3 - Karpov vs Gligoric (San Antonio 1972)
Lesson 4 - Karpov vs Gligoric (Leningrad 1973)
Lesson 5 - Karpov vs Izotov (Leningrad 1970)
Lesson 6 - Williams vs Karpov (Nice 1974)
Lesson 7 - Kamsky vs Karpov (Linares 2001)

Lesson 1 - Kasparov vs Anand (Tilburg 1991)
Lesson 2 - Kasparov vs Kamsky (Linares 1991)
Lesson 3 - Kasparov vs Kamsky (Linares 1993)
Lesson 4 - Kasparov vs Karpov (Linares 1992)
Lesson 5 - Kasparov vs Karpov (WCC 1990)
Lesson 6 - Kasparov vs Short (Linares 1992)
Lesson 7 - Kasparov vs Nikolic (Manila 1992)
Lesson 8 - Kasparov vs Anand (Linares 1993)

Lesson 1 - Knight Dominating Bishop
Lesson 2 - Bishop Dominating Knight
Lesson 3 - Two Bishops Advantage
Lesson 4 - Opposite Colored Bishops
Lesson 5 - Opposite Colored Bishops with Rooks

Lesson 1 - Pieces vs Pawns - Limited Material
Lesson 2 - Pieces vs Pawns - Complex Examples
Lesson 3 - Rook vs Minor - Limited Material
Lesson 4 - Rook vs Minor - Simpler Examples
Lesson 5 - Rook vs Minor - Complex Examples

Lesson 1 - Rook vs Minor Pieces
Lesson 2 - Two Bishops vs Rook
Lesson 3 - Bishop and Knight vs Rook
Lesson 4 - Queen vs Rook and Pawns
Lesson 5 - Queen vs Minor Pieces
Lesson 6 - Fighting Against the Queen

Lesson 1 - Queen's Indian Defense - Essentials
Lesson 2 - Queen's Indian Defense - Sidelines
Lesson 3 - Nf3 Nimzo Transposition (4.Nc3 Bb4) - Part 1
Lesson 4 - Nf3 Nimzo Transposition (4.Nc3 Bb4) - Part 2

Lesson 1 - a3 (Petrosian Variation) - Part 1
Lesson 2 - a3 (Petrosian Variation) - Part 2
Lesson 3 - g3 (Main Line) - Part 1
Lesson 4 - g3 (Main Line) - Part 2

Lesson 1 - Catalan Overview
Lesson 2 - Neo-Catalan - White Plays Without d4 Pawn
Lesson 3 - Main Line (6.Nbd2) - Bogo Indian Transposition
Lesson 4 - Main Line (6.Nc3) - g3 Nimzo Transposition

Lesson 1 - Main Line (6.Bd2 c5 7.dxc5)
Lesson 2 - Main Line (6.Bd2 c5 7.Bxb4)
Lesson 3 - Main Line (6.Bd2 c5 7.0-0)
Courses by GM Gabor Papp:

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Knight Sacrifice on d5 - Part 1
Lesson 3 - Knight Sacrifice on d5 - Part 2
Lesson 4 - Bishop Sacrifice on d5
Lesson 5 - Knight Sacrifice on e6 - Part 1
Lesson 6 - Knight Sacrifice on e6 - Part 2
Lesson 7 - Bishop Sacrifice on e6

Lesson 1 - Knight Sacrifice on f5 - Part 1
Lesson 2 - Knight Sacrifice on f5 - Part 2
Lesson 3 - Knight Sacrifice on b5 - Part 1
Lesson 4 - Knight Sacrifice on b5 - Part 2
Lesson 5 - Bishop Sacrifice on b5

Lesson 1 - Test Your Knowledge - Part 1
Lesson 2 - Test Your Knowledge - Part 2
Lesson 3 - Test Your Knowledge - Part 3
Lesson 4 - Attack The Castled King - Part 1
Lesson 5 - Attack The Castled King - Part 2
Lesson 6 - Attack The Castled King - Part 3
Lesson 7 - Attack The Castled King - Part 4

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - 2...d6 - Dragon Sidelines
Lesson 3 - 2...d6 - Dragon Main Line
Lesson 4 - 2...d6 - Keres Attack Sidelines
Lesson 5 - 2...d6 - Keres Attack Main Line
Lesson 6 - 2...d6 - Rauzer 6th and 7th Move Sidelines
Lesson 7 - 2...d6 - Rauzer 7...Be7 Sidelines
Lesson 8 - 2...d6 - Rauzer 7...a6 Sidelines
Lesson 9 - 2...d6 - Rauzer 8...Bd7 Main Line

Lesson 1 - 2...d6 - Najdorf 6th Move Sidelines
Lesson 2 - 2...d6 - Najdorf 7th Move Sidelines
Lesson 3 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Polugaevsky Variation 7...b5
Lesson 4 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Gelfand Variation 7...Nbd7
Lesson 5 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Gothenburg Variation 8...h6 9...g5
Lesson 6 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Classical Main Line with h6 8...h6 9...Qc7

Lesson 1 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Classical Main Line - Part 1
Lesson 2 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Classical Main Line - Part 2
Lesson 3 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Poisoned Pawn without h6
Lesson 4 - 2...d6 - Najdorf Poisoned Pawn with h6
Lesson 5 - 2...d6 - Najdorf The Modern 6...Nbd7 Sidelines
Lesson 6 - 2...d6 - Najdorf The Modern 6...Nbd7 Main Line

Lesson 1 - The Depths Of Prophylactic Thinking
Lesson 2 - What Does My Opponent Want
Lesson 3 - Multi-Purpose Moves
Lesson 4 - This Is How To Do It
Lesson 5 - The Triple E Method
Lesson 6 - Try A Little Harder
Lesson 7 - Immortal Level
Courses by GM Alejandro Ramirez:

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Nimzo-Indian Defense - 4.f3
Lesson 3 - Anand vs Kramnik
Lesson 4 - Nimzo-Indian Defense - 4.Bg5
Lesson 5 - Batchimeg vs Hou Yifan
Lesson 6 - Nimzo-Indian Defense - 4.a3
Lesson 7 - Radjabov vs Anand
Lesson 8 - Polgar vs Granda
Lesson 9 - Vachier-Lagrave vs Nakamura
Lesson 10 - Jobava vs Wojtaszek
Lesson 11 - Anton Guijarro vs Eljanov
Lesson 12 - Alekseev vs Jakovenko

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Classical a3 Variations
Lesson 3 - Classical a3 Variations - Practical Games
Lesson 4 - Classical e4 Variations
Lesson 5 - Classical e4 Variations - Practical Games
Lesson 6 - Classical Bg5 Variations
Lesson 7 - Classical Bg5 Variations - Practical Games - Part 1
Lesson 8 - Classical Bg5 Variations - Practical Games - Part 2
Lesson 9 - Classical Nf3 Variations
Lesson 10 - Classical Nf3 Variations - Practical Games

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - 4.g3 and 4.Nf3 with 5.Bg5 - Variations
Lesson 3 - 4.g3 and 4.Nf3 5.Bg5 - Practical Games - Part 1
Lesson 4 - 4.Nf3 5.Bg5 - Practical Games - Part 2
Lesson 5 - 4.e3 Variations - Part 1
Lesson 6 - 4.e3 and 4.Bd2 Variations - Part 2
Lesson 7 - 4.e3 - Practical Games - Part 1
Lesson 8 - 4.e3 - Practical Games - Part 2

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Sidelines
Lesson 3 - 5.Qa4
Lesson 4 - 5.Bg5 a6 6.e3 and e4
Lesson 5 - 5.Bg5 a6 6.a4
Lesson 6 - 5.e3 a6 without 6.a4
Lesson 7 - 5.e3 a6 with 6.a4

Lesson 1 - Introduction - Neo Vienna
Lesson 2 - 6.Nb5 Theory
Lesson 3 - 6.e5 Mainline - 8.a4 Variation
Lesson 4 - 6.e5 Mainline - 10.Qd2 Variation
Lesson 5 - 6.e5 Mainline - 10.Be3
Lesson 6 - Carlsen vs. Nakamura - 8.a4
Lesson 7 - Checa vs. Tabatabei - 10.Be3
Lesson 8 - Hadarson vs. Ivic, Khademalsharieh vs. Ushenina - 10.Be3 with early Qc1
Lesson 9 - Erdos vs. Xiong - 10.Qd2 met by g5
Lesson 10 - Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi - 10.Qd2
Lesson 11 - Salgado vs. Van Foreest - 10.Be3 with a3-Qc2
Lesson 12 - Yakubboev vs. Maghsodloo - Early b3 break
Lesson 13 - Radjabov vs. So - Early Rc1
Lesson 14 - Mamedyarov vs. Caruana - 10.Be3 with Nc3 early
Courses by IM Eric Rosen:

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Refuting Scholar's Mate
Lesson 3 - Stafford Gambit with 5.d3
Lesson 4 - Stafford Gambit with 5.Nc3
Lesson 5 - Stafford Gambit with 5.e5
Lesson 6 - Center Fork Trick - Part 1
Lesson 7 - Center Fork Trick - Part 2
Lesson 8 - Danish Gambit
Lesson 9 - Halloween Gambit
Lesson 10 - Four Knights with Bb5
Lesson 11 - Falkbeer Counter Gambit Against King's Gambit

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Every Move is a Punch
Lesson 3 - Tarrasch vs Marco
Lesson 4 - Karjakin vs Esipenko
Lesson 5 - Browne vs Quinteros
Lesson 6 - Ivanchuk vs So
Lesson 7 - Aronian vs Jacot
Lesson 8 - Initiative Miniatures
Lesson 9 - Initiative Exercises
Courses by GM Gergely Antal:

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Sidelines
Lesson 3 - Exchange Variation
Lesson 4 - Panov Attack
Lesson 5 - Accelerated Panov Attack
Lesson 6 - Korchnoi Variation - Part 1
Lesson 7 - Korchnoi Variation - Part 2

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Two Knights Variation - Part 1
Lesson 3 - Two Knights Variation - Part 2
Lesson 4 - Advance Variation Sidelines - Part 1
Lesson 5 - Advance Variation Sidelines - Part 2
Lesson 6 - Advance Variation Main Line - Part 1
Lesson 7 - Advance Variation Main Line - Part 2

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Opposite Colored Bishops with Rooks
Lesson 3 - Opposite Colored Bishops
Lesson 4 - Same Colored Bishops
Lesson 5 - Rook Endgames
Lesson 6 - Knight Endgames
Lesson 7 - Queen Endgames
Courses by GM Vladimir Akopian:

Lesson 1 - Mikhail Tal - True Story
Lesson 2 - Anatoly Karpov - Two Instructive Games
Lesson 3 - Vasily Smyslov - Keeping the Tension
Lesson 4 - Vladimir Kramnik - Attack and Tactics
Lesson 5 - Garry Kasparov - Simultaneous Game
Lesson 6 - Garry Kasparov - Fighting Chess

Lesson 1 - The Knight Maneuver
Lesson 2 - The King Maneuver
Lesson 3 - The Rook Maneuver
Lesson 4 - The Queen and Bishop Maneuver
Lesson 5 - Mixed Maneuvers
Courses by IM Bence Szabo:

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Reshevsky vs Petrosian
Lesson 3 - Tal vs Petrosian
Lesson 4 - Portisch vs Petrosian
Lesson 5 - Exchange Sacrifice Exercises

Lesson 1 - Bronstein vs Petrosian
Lesson 2 - Cardoso vs Petrosian
Lesson 3 - Kasparov vs Petrosian
Lesson 4 - Defense Exercises

Lesson 1 - Petrosian vs Pachman
Lesson 2 - Petrosian vs Smyslov
Lesson 3 - Petrosian vs Fischer
Lesson 4 - Attack Exercises